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Important Reminders

School Hours 8:00 a.m. – 2:50 p.m.

STUDENTS MUST BE IN COMPLETE UNIFORM DAILY.  They earn credit towards PBIS activities for being in compliance. 

Parents and Guardians - Daily attendance is extremely important to your child’s educational success! Please ensure that your child arrives between 7:30-8:00 a.m. each day.

Breakfast served from 7:30-8:00 a.m. ONLY

Students are considered tardy at 8:00 A.M. Students arriving at 8:00 A.M. or after, MUST be signed in by an adult.

The Louisiana Legislature passed ACT 313 which states:

“No students shall possess, on his person, an electronic telecommunication device throughout the instructional day. If a student brings an electronic telecommunication device in any public elementary or secondary school building or on the grounds thereof during an instructional day, the electronic device shall either be turned off and properly stowed away for the duration of the instructional day or prohibited from being turned on and used during the instructional day.”

Afternoon dismissal is important to ensuring that every student makes it home safe. NO STUDENT WILL BE CHECKED OUT AFTER 2:30 p.m. 

For cases in which a person not listed on the emergency card is sent to pick up the student, parent/guardian MUST send to the principal/designee an email requesting the release of the student and attach their picture I.D. The principal/designee shall verify the request by telephoning the parent/legal guardian. If the parent/legal guardian cannot provide an email with a picture of their I.D. with the request for the release of the student, the student will not be released from school. If the parent/legal guardian cannot be reached by telephone, the student will not be released from school.  

It is the responsibility of the parent/legal guardian to notify the school if changes occur during the school year, and update the student Emergency Card as needed.

Please follow the Sign-Out Procedures/Check Out Procedures, Arrival and Dismissal Policy, Carpool Safety Guidelines and others.

IMPORTANT: We will only permit students to leave as walkers if they are within the approved walking distance of school. All other students will need to be sent home via Bus or Car Line. You can go to , select the button that says “Find it Fast”, click "Find my Bus". If the result states “you would be assigned to this bus stop”, your child will no longer be allowed to leave campus in the afternoon by foot. There are no exceptions. We need to follow the guidance of the State Law


Please also read and review the JP Schools 2023-25 Procedures & Policies for Students and Families Ebook regarding all district Procedures & Policies.

Click on the links below: